
Saturday, November 27, 2010

A little bit more for the brand new SLP's (aka: advice for the Medical SLP Newbies-- part II)

It's Kristin here.

So, one of you commented after our advice posts that you are even wondering about some of the basics- how to plan a session, "run" a session, take data and write reports.  I know that can all be overwhelming when you're in grad school or just entering your first internship or first job.  I thought I could say a little more on that for those who are interested. And you veteran SLPs- feel free to add to this in the comments.  You know Bob and I love comments and feedback.

I work in a Rehabilitation Unit in a hospital.  I mainly see adults with neurological issues.  Bob- maybe you'll want to address a more pediatric version of some of the stuff I have to say. :)  No pressure! 

(Let's assume that the initial evaluation is done here and I'll start with the first session after the eval.)
 Planning:  I think the most efficient way to plan for a session, is to look at the patient/client/student's (okay, from now on I'll just say patient) goals and decide what the priorities are.  Maybe they have 7 goals, but which one is affecting their communication or life the most?  In my case, swallowing often comes first.  Then speech and language.  Then cognition.  In the schools, maybe it's a specific phoneme, or glaring syntactical deficit, or a pragmatic/social issue that's causing him major social problems.  Then there are those secondary goals that can wait a bit- like why start the session focusing on /s/ when the student can't even form clear sentences?  In my world- why start with memory tasks if the patient can't even name words?  Anyway, I think we may have a tendency as clinicians to start with the tasks that are the most enjoyable to work on, or that we feel the most skilled with, so you gotta watch out.

Let's stop there for now and I'll address other topics in my subsequent "Newbie" posts.

Thanks for reading,

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