
Monday, February 14, 2011

AAC Assessment

It's Kristin here!

So I am in the middle of trying to design an AAC assessment that will work for the patients in the ICU here at the hospital.  Any suggestions for things to include of specific tests you like?  Also, does anyone remember the old "Lifespace Access Profile?"  They don't print it anymore and I am desperate for a copy.  If you have any clue or an old copy you'd be willing to send or fax me, email me!

Posts in the making:
All the iPad Apps that an SLP should have! (an update of my previous and now very outdated post)
Medical SLP newbies parts 4 and 5
My favorite AAC devices - a review.
How to implement AAC in a PT/OT session - my ideas
A trach/vent post...details TBD.

Thought for the day:  If you don't love what you're doing- you're in the wrong profession!  What we do is fun and amazing.  Change your perspective or your setting, it's never too late.

Thanks for all your comments- we love 'em!


1 comment:

  1. Kristin,

    Hello my name is William Williams and I am the senior author of the Lifespace Profile series of assessments. I am in the process of updating the original profile and have a prototype version I could send you. It runs on Windows XP, but is not compatible with Windows 7. I would need to get you to sign a nondisclosure form. I learned the hard way with the first version that you can lose control of your intellectual property if you just go ahead and trust people to do the right thing. Let me know if you are interested. I will also email this message to you.

