
Friday, March 11, 2011

My iPad/iPod SLP starter guide...

It's Kristin here. 

SLP's:  Do you have an iPad for therapy yet?  If not, many school districts are getting grants or starting new programs to purchase several of these relatively inexpensive devices for the SLPs.  Someimes you don't know what you can get until you ask for it!  And putting it on your gift wish list so you can get your own is a great idea too. 

Well, I know a good chunk of our posts lately have been iPad related, but don't get discouraged yet.  Soemtimes we like to post about what we're into, and we are both having lots of fun with these new "toys."  We'll be posting on other SLP topics soon enough, I swear!

So here are a few of my thoughts on getting started:

  • Right off the bat make sure you ahve "MobileMe" set up in case you lose your iPad.  VERY IMPORTANT!  I had a personal experience where this saved me!
  • Create an iTunes account.
  • Browse the Apps Store to see what's hot, what on sale, what's under the "Education Category," etc.
  • Read the info on the "updates" before you actually upload them.
  • Set the restrictions so that in-app purchases are disabled.
  • Enable "triple click" under settings which allows you to turn the screen black and font white, zoom, and get voice over for the blind.
  • Import your work calendar into the iPad calendar- awesome!
  • Download the iPad starter guide and iPad user guide to the iBooks app (free!)
  • All classic novels are free too!
  • Download lotsa apps, practive them, and categorize them for ease of use.
  • Use the double click feature often to clear out the apps you are not using which slow you down.  Here you can also freeze the screen so it won't flip to different orientations when you rotate the iPad.  Also adjust screen brightness here as needed.
  • If you don't have Angry Birds, World of Goo, Cut the Rope- download them already!  Get with it, SLP!  :)
  • Other must haves: Pandora, Penultimate, Fruit Ninja, Talking Tom, iRiddle HD, Pulse, DropBox, Facebook Friendly, Nightstand, WeatherBug, Pocket Pond, Zombie Trailer Park.
  • I'll do one more post with all my favorite apps for therapy next time!
  • Get a protective screen cover so you can wipe it down with disinfectant.
  • Get a case to protect it and help prop it up for clients.
  • Also consider a keyboard or stylus!
Of course, if you don't have the iPad- get the iPad 2 instead (I'm jealous!).  The iPad is now cheaper by a couple hundred bucks.  The iPhone and iPod touch are also cheaper and also awesome (but iPad is nicer in a therapy session for visual purposes if you have the option...)

Any thoughts from you readers?  I'm sure there are SO many experts by now!  Got any other suggestions on getting started?  Any other favorite apps I may not know??  (I'm obsessed.)  :)



  1. wunderlist is a must have in my opinion, as well as tweetdeck, netflix (not for Tx ^_^). Oh, and if you can get the iPad2, I've found that the camera/video features in my ipodtouch are very useful in therapy, great for some instant feed back.

  2. Yes, I guess I should add that my "must have" apps list is not exclusive to use in therapy! :) I added your suggestions! Totally jealous of the camera. How's the baby? When do we hang out?? :)

  3. Don't see the Bakery Game listed under your fav apps. Or am I just not aware what its called? Just wondering.

  4. We don't claim to know every useful app that's out there. I personally have never seen your Bakery Game, but I'm sure its fantastic. I'll have to try it out sometime.

  5. Ha ha, well no I didn't put it on there. I figured it was just a "me" thing and not a must have for most ppl.

    It's a cheesy little game but I'm addicted!

  6. This is a great starter guide. I'd love more specific advice for how to use the ipad/iphone in therapy. I'm looking forward to becoming a very tech savvy slp :)
